Maurizio Di Bona, noto sul web come The Hand è nato a Napoli il 1 dicembre del 1971. Quello che fa lo ha imparato da autodidatta, rubando con gli occhi dai tanti cartoni visti in tv e dalle tavole dei grandi del fumetto. Ha vissuto e si è arricchito di esperienze nelle web agency di mezza Italia e come freelance in Germania, Irlanda e Polonia.Quando non disegna va a correre.
Maurizio Di Bona was born on december 1, 1971 in Napoli. What he does is what he learnt by himself in years: "stealing" with eyes from toons and anime of masters of comics and animated cartoon. He lived in Italy, Germany, Ireland and Poland, joining different experiences in web agencies as web designer/cartoonist.
When he is not drawing he is running.
1999/2006: web designer in web agencies of Milano, Verona, Firenze, Modena, Roma;
2007: co-works as illustrator: l'Ateo (Italy), the Grapevine (Iceland), Hotstuff (Ireland);
2008: co-works as illustrator: Gillian Anderson, Dolores O'Riordan, Beppe Grillo;
2009: co-works as comics strips maker: il Fatto quotidiano (Italy), il Misfatto (Italy), cadoinpiedi.it, beppegrillo.it;
2012: co-works as comics strips maker: il Ruvido (Italy), Yanez (Italy), cadoinpiedi.it;
2014: co-works as illustrator: beppegrillo.it, bitlanders.com, Prosperity App.Games;
2015: co-works as character designer/comics strips maker: bitlanders.com, Radio2;
2016: co-works as character designer/comics strips maker: beppegrillo.it, bitlanders.com;
2017: co-works as character designer/comics strips maker: beppegrillo.it, bitlanders.com;
2018/2020: collaborations as illustrator;
2020/2022: packaging designer, NFT artist;
2022/2024: editorial cartoonist;